The Story Behind an Apple Store Robbery Is Almost Unbelievable

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An apple store in the Seattle area was robbed, but the thieves didn't enter through the door or a broken window like you'd expect. The two men who robbed the store entered through a hole they cut in the bathroom of the coffee shop next door. Of course, this means they also broke into the coffee shop.


The burglars stole 436 iPhones along with some Apple Watches and iPads, totaling about $500K, according to Lynwood police.

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Mike Atkinson, the CEO of Seattle Coffee Gear, tweeted about the incident and included a photo of the bathroom's aftermath. "Two men broke into one of our retail locations," Atkinson wrote. "Why? To cut a hole in our bathroom wall to access the Apple Store next door and steal $500k worth of iPhones."



According to local news, KOMO News, Lynwood police responded to the burglary and said it looks like it was a well-organized operation. The thieves were wearing masks and left no fingerprints behind. It's like something out of a movie.



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