How Do I Manually Configure My Arris Cable Modem?

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Arris is a brand of modems and modem/router devices that is commonly used by Comcast Xfinity for their cable internet services. If you are an Xfinity subscriber and rent your modem from Comcast, there is a good chance your modem is an Arris. You can manually configure your Arris modem to make it more secure and accessible to your internet-capable devices.


Initial Arris Modem Setup

The Arris modem hardware must be hooked up before you can configure any of the other settings on the modem. Plug the coaxial cable into the "Cable In" port on the back of your Arris modem and make sure the cable is tightly plugged in. Connect the other end of this cable to your coaxial splitter, which is typically located near your TV. Plug the Ethernet cable into the "Out" port on the Arris modem and then connect the other end of this cable to the computer or gaming console that you want to connect to the internet via Ethernet. If you're using a separate router to provide a wireless (Wi-Fi) signal, then connect it via Ethernet to the Arris model as well. Plug the power cable into your Arris modem and wait 5 to 30 minutes for the modem to fully boot up before beginning to set up the network. You will see a green light appear and stay lit when the Arris modem is fully powered.


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Set Up the Network

You can now begin the Arris modem setup by launching a web browser on your connected computer. Go to to reach the Arris modem control panel and log in with the username and password for the modem. Unless you have changed them, the default username is "admin," and the default password is "password." Click the "Login" button and select the "Basic Setup" tab on the top side of the screen to view your network settings.


You can change the name for your modem and enable wireless connectivity if this is built in on your Arris modem in the Basic Setup section. If you enable Wi-Fi, you need to name the wireless network (SSID) and set the security mode as either WPA2-PSK or WEP or WPA2/WPA. The recommended setting is WPA-PSK because it is compatible with nearly all wireless devices. Make sure to set a password for the Wi-Fi network so that only authorized people can access your network. Click "Apply" to apply these settings.


Configure Common Settings

Configure the settings for your Arris modem in the control panel section. Click the "WAN Setup" tab to view the configuration settings for the modem. Here you can change the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) settings that are in place for your modem's wireless network including the IP address and subnet mask. What you set here depends on the recommendation of your cable internet provider. You can also click the "LAN Settings" tab to change these same IP settings for your local area network.



Click the "Firewall" tab to set up and enable a firewall for your Arris network and to set up parental controls to prevent people on your network from accessing certain websites. The firewall can keep unwanted connections from your Arris modem, but it can also make connecting to your own devices a little more difficult, so make sure you check with your cable provider to put the right settings in place. Click the "Utilities" tab to update your Arris modem's firmware. New firmware updates may improve your Arris modem's performance and eliminate loopholes that could be exploited by hackers.




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