How to Design an Event Program Book

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At any major event, a program providing visitors with details about the schedule, guests and other important aspects of the event is essential. It also provides a souvenir that audiences can treasure in the years to come. Designing a program booklet requires a desktop publishing program and creativity.


Step 1

Set your style for the entire program, so that elements such as font and margin remain the same. Choose a clear, readable font, such as Times New Roman, Arial or Georgia. Size 12 suits reading.

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Step 2

Create a list of all the contents for reference as you design the program. You may need pages for schedules, biographies of people appearing at your event, notices of other upcoming events and room for advertisements from your sponsors. You may wish to include feature articles on subjects related to your event, especially if your program is intended as a souvenir brochure.


Step 3

Open a blank page in your publishing program and create a front cover. It should contain essential details that readers can take in at a glance, such as the name of the event, dates, times and the cost of the program. An attractive image on the front illustrates the contents as well as enticing people to buy the program.


Step 4

Create a contents page if your program has more than four pages. This should list on separate lines each major page or section with corresponding page numbers in a separate column.

Step 5

Create program pages for each part of the event. Lay out information clearly, with each scheduled item on a separate line.


Step 6

Create other pages, keeping to your chosen style and using both text and images to make it accessible and attractive. Pages with only text put readers off.


Step 7

Insert advertisements where appropriate. Try to match ads to relevant content. For example, advertise a family restaurant on the same page as the program for a family-oriented part of your event. Refer carefully to any agreements you have made with sponsors, as they may have strict requirements about elements such as space and wording.


Step 8

Read the finished program several times yourself, and ask others to proofread it. Simple mistakes can look sloppy and affect the reputation of your organization and event.



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