How to Edit MP3 File Properties

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An MP3 file is an audio file format used on PC and Macintosh computers as well as in MP3 players. It allows files to be small in size without sacrificing sound quality of songs and other audio. One feature of MP3s is the ability to edit the properties of each file to store information such as song title, album and artist information and even lyrics.


Step 1

Open Windows Media Player on the same computer that contains the the MP3 files you wish to edit.

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Step 2

Along the top menu bar of Media Player click on "Library" and it will bring up your music library in the window. This is where all your songs will be shown, allowing you to edit them either individually or in bulk.


Step 3

If your songs do not appear, it is because you need to manually import them. Under the "Library" button along the top menu bar there is a small triangle that when clicked brings up a drop-down menu box. Click this button and in the menu that appears, click "Add to Library."


Step 4

The "Add to Library" box will appear, allowing you to select and add folders that contain MP3 files. Add all the folders that contain MP3s that you wish to edit. When finished, click "OK." This will import your MP3 files into the Media Player library for editing.

Step 5

Back in the library window with your MP3s now imported, select the song or songs that have file properties you wish to edit. With the songs selected, right-click, and in the menu that appears, click "Advanced Tag Editor."


Step 6

This brings up the file properties editing window. Here you can change every editable aspect of the MP3 file. You can assign song titles, artist and album names, genres, lyrics and countless other options. Simply change the individual pieces of information that you wish to edit, typing in whatever you want to change that particular field to. When finished, click "OK" and the program will automatically update the file properties on those selected MP3s.


Step 7

Once you're satisfied with your changes, you can exit the program. Because the file properties are stored within each MP3 file itself, the changes you made will carry over with the MP3 to any program, MP3 player or computer that you move the files to in the future.




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