How to Find People on Facebook by Employers

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If you're looking for someone on Facebook, especially someone with a common name, it's sometimes helpful to filter based on where the person works. You can instruct Facebook to search by workplace, educational background, current city or other information using the Facebook search interface. You may also be able to find people by employer on other websites and social networks.


Facebook Search by Employer

If you want to find people on Facebook by job, type some or all of a person's name in the search box. Then, click the "People" tab.

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On the left side of the screen are options to filter the people shown in the search results. These options include people's educational histories, their current cities, their employers and whether they have mutual friends with you or another of your friends.


If you don't see the employee you want in the list, click "Choose a Company" in the panel on the left side of the screen and type the name of the employer you want to search.

If you still aren't successful, it is probably because the person you are looking for on Facebook has chosen not to share workplace information with the public.


Search People by Work Elsewhere

If you're having trouble finding the people you want to find by workplace on Facebook, search elsewhere on the internet. If you find people elsewhere, you may be able to then find them more easily on Facebook or confirm that the pictures you see on Facebook belong to the right people.


LinkedIn, a social networking site designed for people to post resumes and other work information, is a good place to find people by workplace. Some people also include their employers on their Twitter pages and other social networks.


Visit the company's website to see if it includes a list of employees, which can be useful in narrowing down searches on other sites.


Facebook Privacy Settings

Just like the person you are looking for, you can configure what people see on Facebook about you and how they can find you on Facebook. For example, you might want to keep your current or former employer hidden or only visible to your friends.


To configure or change your employment history, go to the "About" tab of your Facebook profile. Select "Work and Education" in the side panel. From there, you can add or remove a workplace, or use the audience selector to change the setting that controls who (if anyone) can see the information.

Check your privacy settings from time to time to make sure you're sharing what you want with the people you want.




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