How to Make a PDF Editable in Adobe Acrobat Pro

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Image Credit: Luis Alvarez/DigitalVision/GettyImages

Adobe Acrobat Pro provides users with an incredibly powerful resource, that being the ability to convert PDF documents into interactive, editable forms. As you can imagine, this allows for a wide range of practical applications, ranging from the creation of easily distributable applications to administrative forms and other important documents. Thanks to the intuitive nature of Adobe Acrobat Pro, creating an editable PDF can be accomplished relatively easily. If you're ready to learn how to make a PDF editable, you can do so by following just a few straightforward instructions.


Creating an Editable PDF

In order to begin transforming your original PDF document into an editable form, you'll first need to import your PDF file. You can do this by opening Adobe Acrobat Pro, clicking on the "Tools" tab at the top of the window, and selecting the "Prepare Form" button. At this point, you'll be given the option to select a PDF file on your computer or scan a document. This provides a valuable degree of flexibility for those who may not have the document they need already digitized on their computer.


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Creating Form Fields

After importing your document, Adobe Acrobat Pro will automatically scan your content in order to determine where it thinks form fields should be placed. It will automatically create any and all fields it deems necessary within the document. After this process is completed, you'll have the opportunity to delete any of the fields that have been created, as well as a chance to create new form fields of your own using the tools provided in the window.


Once you've created all of the form fields needed and reviewed your document, you have two options for finalizing the file. You can save the document as a PDF directly to your computer, or you can press the "Distribute" button and send the document to other individuals via their email addresses. In either situation, you'll have access to a highly interactive document that's capable of accommodating any and all customizations you wish to make at any time.



If you need to return to your document and modify your form fields at any point, you can simply reopen the document as described in the previous steps and use the tools provided to initiate any and all necessary changes. If you have any additional difficulties creating your PDF, you can consult Adobe's helpful resources, which include detailed instructions on this particular process as well as many other useful tasks and skills.




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