How to Make a Virtually Untraceable Phone Call

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Untracable calls are possible.

Why make an untraceable call? There are always situations that call for anonymity. A call to Child Protective Services has always been one of the top reasons. Here is a way to guarantee no trace back from NORMAL sources. This DOES exclude NSA, FBI, CIA and other departments that have access to Eschelon.


This method will defeat ANI or *57 return calls, but is not foolproof for top government security agencies.

Video of the Day

I think that it's also worth mentioning that the "Spoof Card" IS a traceable service. Spoof card will surrender the originating IP address or Phone number/ESN/IMEI when presented with a subpoena in the interests of National Security.


This tutorial was written for purposes of learning and evaluation only, and should never be implemented in a real situation!

Step 1

First things first: This tutorial is for instructional purposes only!


That out of the way, the first thing that you need are two cheap anonymous prepay phones FROM TWO DIFFERENT CARRIERS(Like the t-mobile or page plus phones). These phone are already active with phone numbers when you buy them.

Use a public computer and use xerobank's TOR browser to change your IP address.


Go to and set up call forwarding No Signup Needed, Set the call forwarding to call the first cellphone.

Set up the first phone to call the other via call forwarding. ATT phone with be "cell phone 1", and the T-Mobile with be "Cell Phone 2"



Set up the second phone to call the desired number.

Step 2

Set the CLID or caller id to always blocked in the settings.

Place one phone in one part of your city, like under a dumpster or something, wrapped in a Ziploc sandwich baggie so it won't get wet.


Make sure both batteries are fully charged!

Step 3

Drop the second phone somewhere else, but away from where you will be when you place the call.

On the second phone, set the CLID, or caller id, to always blocked.


Step 4

Go to a random payphone and call the Phone number.

Alternately, you can attach one of two paired 2 way radios to a third prepay phone via a 2.5mm to 2.5mm head set cable. Call the phone number. This second way allows you to remain mobile within the range of the radios (usually up to 2 miles)



Step 5


When you call the number, it will take your call and forward it to the AT&T phone, so your call is routed through the ATT network. The ATT phone then forwards the call to the T-Mobile phone, thus routing your call through the web, att and now, t-mobile. The T-mobile will finally route your call to it's final destination, completing the call.


Step 6

2 Way Radio Method explained:

When you place the first call through your third prepay phone (from a third prepay company) you physically make the call on the phone, then immediately ditch the phone and attached 2way radio in the back of a mobile vehicle (like a dump truck, or a route truck, like a local delivery truck - make sure you wave bye to the equipment you'll never retrieve!) Use the second 2 way radio to talk to the subject via a headset.


Even if "they" trace the call to the phone you attached to the first 2-way radio, they still MUST search for the other handset within that 2 mile radius, using triangulation. If you happen to be at Disney world, do you realize how many other families use these radios... especially the "Cobra" or "Motorola" brand.


Step 7

Traces explained:

There are three types of traces widely used.

"Live Trace" - Or while in a call, authorities attempt to "back-link" the connections. This can take a matter of seconds.

"After Trace" - This is when the call has been completed and forensics teams attempt to see where a call came from after the fact.

"GPS Trace" - The most effective trace and takes Milliseconds!



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