How to Plot on Google Maps

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Google Maps is a free and efficient way to find and learn about different locations and get directions from one place to another. Google Maps can also be used to create personalized maps. You could create a map of museum locations in Paris before you depart for vacation or create a map of vegetarian restaurants in your neighborhood, and you can easily share them with friends and family. Follow these steps to plot new locations on your Google Maps.


Step 1

Go to and click on the link for "My Maps."

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Step 2

Click on the link for "Create New Map."

Step 3

Click on the blue placemarker icon in the upper left hand corner of the map. Your cursor will change into the placemarker icon.


Step 4

Move the cursor to the location that you want to add to the map.


Step 5

Click the mouse button to drop the placemark onto your map.

Step 6

Enter text into the "Title" and "Description" fields.

Step 7

Click "OK." The placemark has been added to your map.




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