How to Sell Tickets on Craigslist

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How to Sell Tickets on Craigslist. Concert tickets, sporting event tickets, theater tickets and more can all be found in the online marketplace of Craigslist. This free-to-use posting Web site is like an enormous classifieds section that reaches countless buyers and sellers across the world. Tickets to any event or show can be listed here and you can increase your chances of selling by posting an interesting ad.


Create an Ad to Sell Your Tickets

Step 1

Log on to the Craigslist Web site (see Resources below) and select the link "Post to Classifieds."

Video of the Day

Step 2

Select the "For Sale/wanted" sub-category from the available list.


Step 3

Choose the "Tickets" link.

Step 4

Select an area from the available list or "Suggest a New One" to narrow down your location even further.

Step 5

Fill in the posting information box, including a title, description and email address.


Step 6

Keep your description short and succinct. Unlike other listings on this site, you really only need the basic details of the tickets to sell them to interested buyers. There is no need to describe how "beautiful" the tickets are or how well you've taken care of them.


Sell Your Tickets

Step 1

Reply to potential buyer's emails immediately to capitalize on their interest. If you wait too long, they may change their minds about buying.


Step 2

Stay firm on your ticket price only if you must. In order to move the tickets faster, you may consider dropping the price 10 to 20 percent off face value.

Step 3

Reduce the selling price of your tickets by the amount paid for convenience fees or handling charges. The buyer should only have to pay for the ticket and the new shipping charges to him/her.

Step 4

Arrange to meet your buyer in person or mail the tickets using tracking and shipping insurance.



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