How to Uninvite Someone on a Facebook Event

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Facebook lets you create announcements and invitations for real-life private and public events. As event host, you control who views the event page on Facebook and who's invited to join. If you invite someone to your Facebook event but later change your mind, you can easily disinvite or uninvite him even if he has already said he's going.


Uninvite to a Facebook Event

You must be the host of an event on Facebook in order to disinvite people after they've already been invited. To remove someone from either a private or public Facebook event, go to your News Feed and click on "Events" from the menu on the left. Locate the event on your events list and select it. You'll be taken to the page for your event.


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For a private event, you can uninvite people by going to your event page and clicking on the count indicator for Going, Maybe or Invited. You'll see a list of invited guests. Find the name of the person you'd like to disinvite and click on the "X" that's located next to the "Invited" button. For a public event, click on the count indicator for Going or Interested. When you find the name you want to uninvite, click the "Remove" button next to the name.


Results of Deleting Event Invitations

Will someone be notified if you remove him from an event? Facebook doesn't send notification to a guest you uninvite from your event. However, the uninvited person will no longer receive notifications or messages about the event. Also, it will no longer appear in that person's list of events. Be warned, you won't be able to invite someone back to the same event after you've uninvited him.



Warn Friends Before Deleting Invitations

If you're disinviting someone you don't want to communicate with, there's nothing more you need to do after removing him from your event guest list. Since people who are uninvited from events don't receive notification from Facebook, you may want to send an explanation to friends before uninviting them. You can do this for a private event by going to the event page and clicking on "More" (shown as ..., next to Invite and Edit). From the menu, click on "Message Guests." You'll be able to select the names of guests you want to message. After selecting one or more guest names, enter a message and then click "Send." Facebook warns that you may not be able to message individual guests for a public event if your guest list is large.




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