How to Unlock Safelink for a Trackfone

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You can fill out a Safelink application in person or online.

Safelink is a program offered by Trackfone to low-income families or individuals. You must currently receive government assistance, such as SNAPS (foodstamps), Medicaid or Federal Housing Assistance, to qualify for the Safelink program. Safelink offers a limited amount of free minutes per month, along with text messaging, voicemail, caller ID and other features offered by standard cell phones offer. Safelink is a helpful tool for low-income individuals who need to keep in touch with family members, health care providers and government agencies.


Step 1

Apply for the Safelink program. You can apply on the Safelinke website, or you can apply at your local department of social services. If you use your local DSS, ask for an application for the Safelink program. Remember, to qualify you must be receiving government assistance.

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Step 2

Answer all the questions accurately, since any form of deception can result in loss of assistance, and heavy fines.


Step 3

Choose the plan that works best for you. Currently, the are three plans offered by Safelink. The first plan offers 68 free minutes per month. Your unused minutes will roll over to the following month and you can make international calls. This plan also allows text messaging which consumes .3 of your minutes. The second plan offers 125 free monthly minutes, along with roll over minutes, but it does not allow international dialing. It allows text messaging and consumes 1 minute for each text message. The final plan allots 250 free monthly minutes, no international calling, no carry-over minutes and charges 1 minute per text message.


Step 4

Submit your application when you are finished. If you are working online, simply click on the submit button, if you are applying on paper, check over your work and hand it back into the secretary at your DSS office.

Step 5

Receive your Safelink Trackfone in the mail.


Step 6

Power on your phone in order to unlock the free monthly minutes you have been awarded through the Safelink program.


Unlocking Your Minutes

Step 1

Press the "menu" key on your phone. You will see the word "prepaid" displayed on your screen.


Step 2

Press "select."

Step 3

Choose the option that says "redeem" or "add" airtime. Press "Ok" again. If you see an error message scroll down and then press "Ok". You will see a menu option that says "Card #" or "Airtime Pin." Enter in the numbers "555," and then press "Ok."

Step 4

Select "no." If the screen asks you for a promo code.




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