LinkedIn's AI Will Draft Messages to Send to Hiring Managers for You

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When you're job hunting, it can feel overwhelming having to write messages to so many hiring managers. Now LinkedIn's AI will draft the message for you.


LinkedIn has started testing AI-p0wered personalized writing suggestions for Premium subscribers, according to a post written by Ora Levit, Senior Director and Head of Core Growth at LinkedIn.

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"Using generative AI with information from your profile, the hiring manager's profile, the job description, and the company of interest, we create a highly personalized draft message to get a conversation started," Levit wrote.


Since a robotic sounding email likely isn't going to get you far when it comes to landing an interview, it's important to personalize your messages. You can review and edit the draft before it's sent to make sure it sounds like you and add anything else you think would be important for a hiring manager to know.


While this feature might make job hunting easier, it could potentially be harmful to hiring managers who don't know that a message wasn't actually written by the potential new hire. After all, all communication in the hiring process is a way to learn as much as one can about someone, so the lack of transparency might set the bar too high (or too low).




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