This Breathalyzer-Like Device Can Help You Lose Weight

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Trying to lose weight can be incredibly frustrating. Getting results takes a lot of hard work and dedication, and even then, weight loss doesn't always happen.


The Lumen is a new device that works sort of like a breathalyzer, but for weight loss. In a single breath, the device and app measure your metabolism, taking the guesswork out of nutrition. It allows you to discover how the food you eat impacts your metabolism and prevents you from reaching your goals.


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Your breath reveals if your body is burning fats or carbs, so after you breathe into the Lumen each morning, you'll receive daily personalized meal plans designed to help you lose weight. Aside from letting you know what you should eat that day, it'll give you tips on the type of workout you should do, as well as suggestions to get more sleep if you need it.


Back the company on Indigogo to receive your own Lumen in August 2019.




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