What Is an Advertising Rough Layout?

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An initial rough layout would include the hand-drawn headline, picture placement and lines for the words.
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Before an advertisement becomes the finished form you see in a newspaper or magazine, it goes through several rough layout forms. The art director, who designs the ad, sketches various ideas by hand before deciding on the layout he prefers. Rough layouts can be done quickly and inexpensively to show clients what the ad will look like and get agreement from all parties involved before committing the time and money into producing the ad in its final form.


Thumbnail Sketches

In the initial brainstorming session, where an ad is first conceived, an art director and copywriter work together to come up with possible ideas for the ad. As the concept takes shape, they discuss headlines and the type of art, if any, they might use. The art director then begins to sketch very rough thumbnail -- meaning small square or rectangular-sized -- ads with different layout ideas. Most ads adhere to one of the basic layout styles, whether it's picture-heavy, copy-heavy, uses rectangular blocks of photos and copy or newspaper-style columns.


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Hand-Drawn Layout

The art director chooses several of his thumbnail sketches to take to the next stage. Still very rough, these hand-sketched versions would have different layouts; one with the headline at the top of the ad, another down the left side and another down the middle. One might have a large photo roughly sketched in the center, while another might have five smaller blocks for photos scattered throughout the page. The ads usually have different headlines at this point, to give everyone different ideas to ponder. No copy appears at this point, just blank lines where the words will go. Although today's computer programs make it easy to put ads together quickly, hand drawing conveys the idea that the ad is still fluid and open to change. Newspaper sales representatives sometimes sketch rough layouts to help sell the ad.


Rough Computer Layout

Computer programs have simplified publishing significantly so that it is possible to show several forms of the same ad with slightly different layouts. Once a layout has been selected, it also is put into rough form on the computer to show approximately how the ad will look. If the ad copy -- the words for the ad -- has not been approved yet, "greek" copy of unintelligible letters made to look like words is inserted. Rough computer layouts can be done at various stages, such as with the art that will be used but with greek copy, with the actual copy but "dummy" photos or with the actual art or photos and the actual copy.



Tight Layouts

Tight layouts are the next step after rough layouts. Since the rough layout has been approved for further development, it is used as a guide in making the tight layout. Tight layouts are very close to the finished ad. Headlines and art work should be in their proper positions, the typeface -- style of printed type -- that will be used in the ad should be used here, and the size of the ad and all of its elements should be accurate. Copy still may or may not be in the ad, because the layout is concerned more with the look of the ad than what it says.


Comprehensive Layout

This is the final layout stage, showing the ad exactly as it will be printed. Comprehensive layouts show accurate placements of the headline, art and copy. Full copy is included at this point. "Comps," as they are often called, are reviewed by all involved at the ad agency and then taken to the client for approval. Final changes must be requested at this point and, if changes are made, revised comps make the rounds again for final client approval.




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